If you want to work in free mode, using only the bot, dry the necessary information!
const hydraBot = require('hydra-bot');
(async () => {
let client;
let checkConnect = false;
// start bot service
const ev = await hydraBot.initServer();
// return to current whatsapp interface
ev.on('interfaceChange', (change) => {
console.log("interfaceChange: ", change);
// return qrcode parameters
ev.on('qrcode', (qrcode) => {
console.log('qrcode: ', qrcode);
// return connection information
ev.on('connection', async (conn) => {
// browser information!
if (conn.statusFind === 'browser') {
console.log('info Browser: ', conn.text);
// Was connected to whatsapp chat
if (conn.connect && !checkConnect) {
checkConnect = true;
client = conn.client; // class client from hydra-bot
const getMe = await client.getHost();
const hostNumber = getMe.id._serialized; // number host
console.log('Host Number: ', hostNumber);
// send a text message
await client.sendMessage({
to: hostNumber, // you can pass the contact number or group number
body: "hi i'm hydra bot", // message text
options: {
type: 'sendText', // shipping type
}).then((result) => {
console.log(result); // message result
}).catch((error) => {
console.log(error); // message error
ev.on('newMessage', async (newMsg) => {
// when is received
if (!newMsg.result.fromMe) {
// message received!
console.log('NewMessageReceived: ', newMsg.result);
// when is it sent
if (!!newMsg.result.fromMe) {
// Message sent
console.log('NewMessageSent: ', newMsg.result);
// returns the status of each message
ev.on('newOnAck', async (event) => {
console.log('id Message: ', event.result.id._serialized); // message id
console.log('Status Message: ', event.result.ack); // -7 = MD_DOWNGRADE, -6 = INACTIVE, -5 = CONTENT_UNUPLOADABLE, -4 = CONTENT_TOO_BIG, -3 = CONTENT_GONE, -2 = EXPIRED, -1 = FAILED, 0 = CLOCK, 1 = SENT, 2 = RECEIVED, 3 = READ, 4 = PLAYED
console.log('From Message: ', event.result.from); // from message
console.log('To Message: ', event.result.to); // to message
There are two ways to initialize: using a QR Code or a phone number.
To start the service using a QR Code, use the following code:
const hydraBot = require('hydra-bot');
(async () => {
const ev = await hydraBot.initServer();
// returns QR Code parameters
ev.on('qrcode', (qrcode) => {
console.log('QR Code: ', qrcode);
To start using a phone number, you can input the number and receive a verification code on the phone:
const hydraBot = require('hydra-bot');
(async () => {
const ev = await hydraBot.initServer({
loginWithPhoneNumber: {
phoneNumber: '0000000000000', // Phone number with country code
timeRefeshCode: 120000, // Time to refresh the code (in milliseconds)
isOn: true // Enable login with phone number
// returns the code sent to the phone number
ev.on('codePhoneNumber', (status) => {
console.log('Code Phone Number: ', status);
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